Mod List(1.18.2)

July 16, 2022
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About 7 min

Legend: ✨- utility is obvious under common cases | ⚠️- Unstable ❓ - experiment |📦- Used to identify dependencies

For the sake of general, we choose Irisopen in new window. But Canvasopen in new window has better performance and quality with shaders, If you don't need OptiFine Shaders, please check their awesome shaderpacks!

Shortcut means slug.. clicking them will lead you to original pages!

🟩Common Mods


⚠️✨C2MEc2me-fabricopen in new windowImprove the chunk performance
Cull Leavescull-leavesopen in new windowOptimize leaves' render
Enhanced Block Entitiesebeopen in new windowOptimize block / entities
EntityCullingentitycullingopen in new windowUsing async path-tracing to hide Tiles/Entities that are not visible
✨FerriteCoreferrite-coreopen in new windowReduce momery usage
Kryptonkryptonopen in new windowoptimize Network connection
LazyDFUlazydfuopen in new windowlazy DFU make a fast game launch
Smooth Bootsmooth-bootopen in new windowchange the parameters of the executors, including the number of threads they use and the priority of each thread.
lazy-language-loaderlazy-language-loaderopen in new windowImproves loading times when changing your language
✨Lithiumlithiumopen in new windowImprove a number of systems (game physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc) with the goal of not changing any vanilla mechanics.
✨More Cullingmorecullingopen in new windowA mod that changes how blockstate culling is handled in order to improve performance
✨[📦- Ⅰ]Sodiumsodiumopen in new windowModern rendering engine and client-side optimization mod
[📦Ⅰ-1] Reese's Sodium Optionsreeses-sodium-optionsopen in new windowAlternative Options Menu for Sodium
⚠️✨Starlightstarlightopen in new windowRewrites the light engine to fix lighting performance and lighting errors.
⚠️Very Many Playervmp-fabricopen in new windowImprove server performance at high playercounts.

🛠️ Fix

AntiGhostantighostopen in new windowtype /ghost or press G to fuck Ghost Block.
❓Debugifydebugifyopen in new windowFixes Minecraft bugs found on the bug tracker
❓TieFixtiefixopen in new windowFixes some annoying bugs in the Minecraft client
[📦Ⅰ-2] Indiumindiumopen in new windowSodium addon providing support for the Fabric Rendering API
Memory Leak Fixmemoryleakfixopen in new windowA mod that fixes random memory leaks for both the client and server
Item Model Fixitem-model-fixopen in new windowRemoves the annoying gap in Item Models!
IMBlockerFabricimblockeropen in new windowfixes the typing bug exist in multi-byte characters in-game using Input Methods.

🧰 Utilities

Dynamic FPSdynamic-fpsopen in new windowAutomatically reduces Minecraft renders when it's not focused.
ModMenumodmenuopen in new windowAdds a mod menu to view the list of mods you have installed.
Language Reloadlanguage-reloadopen in new windowmakes language switching instant and introduces a search box and multi-selection into the language menu.
LAN World Plug-n-Playmcwifipnpopen in new windowStrengthen your LAN game configuration function.
✨Controllingcontrollingopen in new windowAdds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu, this allows players to easily find a key binding in the menu.
[📦Ⅰ-3]Sodium Extrasodium-extraopen in new windowAdd more options for Sodium
Your Options Shall Be Respectedyosbropen in new windowThis mod has one simple function, to provide default options if the corresponding option file doesn't exist.
BetterF3betterF3open in new windowreplaces Minecraft's original debug HUD with a highly customizable, more human-readable HUD.
Borderless Miningborderless-miningopen in new windowChanges Fullscreen to use a borderless window.
Draggable Resource Packsdraggable-resource-packsopen in new windowMakes resource packs draggable instead of needing to click buttons


Quilt Fabric APIqslopen in new windowThe standard libraries of the Quilt ecosystem. Essential for your modding experience on Quilt!
Cloth Config APIcloth-configopen in new windowConfiguration Library for Minecraft Mods
CompleteConfigcompleteconfigopen in new windowConfiguration Library for Fabric Mods
Fabric Language Kotlinfabric-language-kotlinopen in new windowProvide Kotlin Runtime
[📦-Ⅱ] Architectury APIarchitectury-apiopen in new window
[📦-Ⅲ] Puzzlepuzzleopen in new windowa GUI to more conveniently configure OptiFine alternatives.
[📦-Ⅳ] Icebergiceberg-fabricopen in new windowGrend_G's libs.
Forge Config API Portforge-config-api-port-fabricopen in new windowprovides the whole Forge config api for the Fabric mod loader.

🤔Personalization mods


✨Irisirisopen in new windowShaders mod for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs.
Animaticaanimaticaopen in new windowA mod implementing the OptiFine/MCPatcher animated texture format.
✨[📦-Ⅲ-5] Custom Entity Modelscemopen in new windowCustom Entity Models suport on Fabric.
✨[📦-Ⅲ-6] Entity Texture Featuresentitytexturefeaturesopen in new windowEmissive, Random & Custom texture support for entities in resourcepacks.
[📦-Ⅲ-4] CIT Resewncit-resewnopen in new windowRe-implements MCPatcher's CIT.
Colormaticcolormaticopen in new windowEnables resource packs to add and change block and biome colors.
✨[📦-Ⅲ-1] Continuitycontinuityopen in new windowA Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures.
[📦-Ⅲ-2] LambdaBetterGrasslambdabettergrassopen in new windowA Minecraft mod which adds better grass and snow to the game.
[📦-Ⅲ-3] LambDynamicLightslambdynamiclightsopen in new windowA dynamic lights mod for Fabric.
Respackoptsrespackoptsopen in new windowConfig menus for resource packs.
Capescapesopen in new windowuse capes from OptiFine, LabyMod and other cape mods.
Wavey Capeswavey-capesopen in new windowThe cape shouldn't be a static slab.
OptiGUIoptiguiopen in new windowA drop-in replacement for OptiFine custom GUIs.
CameraOverhaulcameraoverhaulopen in new windowImprove overall satisfaction of the game through the introduction of various camera rotations, to emphasize on the player's movement and improve visual feedback.
SmoothCoasterssmoothcoastersopen in new windowmake your experience on roller coasters more realistic.
Skin Layers 3D3dskinlayersopen in new window


✨SomeOrdinaryTweaksordinarytweaksopen in new windowBetter Horse HUD | Toast Controls |Disable Portals closing GUIs...
✨Inspecioinspecioopen in new windowadds new tooltips to items like shulker boxes, filled map, fish bucket, armor, food, banner patterns, etc.
BoatHudboathudopen in new windowadds a HUD specifically for boating.
AdvancementInfoadvancementinfoopen in new windowShow more information about advancement requirements
Mouse Tweaksmouse-tweaksopen in new windowEnhances inventory management by adding various functions to the mouse buttons.
Inventory Profiles Nextinventory-profiles-nextopen in new windowSort. Move matching Items. Throw all. Locked slots. Gear sets! And much more.
Jadejadeopen in new windowA small unobtrusive tooltip on top of the screen with informations about the block the player is looking at.
✨Interacticinteracticopen in new windowItem Filter / Enhanced Pickup and Tooltips etc. - Refined item interactions
[📦-Ⅱ-R] REIroughly-enough-itemsopen in new windowClean and Customizable. Alternative to Just Enough Items/JEI.
[📦-Ⅱ-R-1] Roughly Searchableroughly-searchableopen in new windowHighlights items that match the current search in REI
[📦-Ⅱ-R-2] Roughly Enough Charactersroughly-enough-charactersopen in new windowAdds pinyin search for Minecraft(Fabric).
✨Reasonable Sortingreasonable-sortingopen in new windowSort your items in your creative inventory. For instance, Ice, Packed Ice and Blue Ice are sorted together.
[📦Ⅳ-1] Item Bordersitem-borders-fabricopen in new windowAdd colored borders to inventory slots to make your rare items stand out!
[📦Ⅳ-2] Merchant Markersmerchant-markers-fabricopen in new windowadd custom markers above villagers to make them stand out and be easier to find than ever.
[📦Ⅳ-3] Equipment Compareequipment-compare-fabricopen in new windowsimply makes it easier to compare equipment at a glance
[📦Ⅳ-4] Item Highlighteritem-highlighter-fabricopen in new windowQuickly find new items by showing an animated star on all newly-picked up items.
Step​Upstepupopen in new windowIncrease your step height - like autojump but without the disadvantages
Boat Item Viewboat-item-viewopen in new windowSee your held items when in a moving boat!
Inventory Tabs (updated)inventory-tabs-updatedopen in new windowClient side mod to access nearby blocks without leaving your inventory! Updated for 1.18 and 1.19!
Held Item Infoheld-item-infoopen in new windowA client-side Fabric / Quilt mod that shows information (like enchantments) about the held item under its name.


MaLiLibmalilibopen in new windowLibrary mod for masa's client-side Minecraft mods
Tweakerootweakerooopen in new windowA client-side Minecraft mod that adds various "tweaks"
Item Scrolleritem-scrolleropen in new windowA client-side mod that adds several ways of moving items in inventory GUIs.
KronHUDkronhudopen in new windowA mod to add clean and useful HUD widgets.
BetterBlockOutlinebetterblockoutlineopen in new windowallows for ample customization of the block outline.
AdvancedChatCoreadvancedchatcoreopen in new windowThe core mod for AdvancedChat modules
AdvancedChatHUDadvancedchathudopen in new windowChat tabs and a brand new design. Tons of customization.
AdvancedChatLogadvancedchatlogopen in new windowA simple way to filter and view mass amounts of Minecraft messages
AdvancedChatBoxadvancedchatboxopen in new windowIn-Chat Calculator Complex suggestions, spell check, and tab completion
AdvancedChatMacrosadvancedchatmacrosopen in new windowImprove chat with keybinds, functions, and speed
AdvancedChatFiltersadvancedchatfiltersopen in new windowFilter text in Minecraft chat with many options


Better Taskbarbetter-taskbarShow state on taskbar
Fabrishotfabrishotopen in new windowPress F9 to take a awesome screenshot.
Screencopyscreencopyopen in new windowLet's you copy screenshots to your clipboard.
Ok Zoomerok-zoomeropen in new windowAdds a highly-configurable zoom key for Fabric.
Chest​Trackerchest-trackeropen in new windowClient-side addon for WhereIsIt to remember positions.
Stendhalstendhalopen in new windowOffering new and enhanced visual utilities for books, signs, anvil and the in-game chat.
WorldEditCUIworldeditcui-fabricopen in new windowNot WorldEdit, Just a visual selection tool, usually with the server-side plug-in linkage
Better Ping Displaybetter-ping-display-fabricopen in new windowAdds a configurable numerical ping display to the player list
Main Menu Creditsmain-menu-creditsopen in new windowadds information to the user's title screen
Auth Meauth-meopen in new windowadds information to the user's title screen


Mod-erate Loading Screenmoderate-loading-screenopen in new windowWatch out for loading screen Mods Rain
Seamless Loading Screenseamless-loading-screenopen in new windowTakes a screenshot of the game when you leave a world or server, and displays it when you rejoin it.
Blurblur-fabricopen in new windowAdds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds - now for Fabric!
Sound Physics Remasteredsound-physics-remasteredopen in new windowAdds realistic and immersive sound physics to the game
[📦Ⅱ-B] 'Slight' Gui Modificationsopen in new windowslight-gui-modificationsopen in new windowFade in and out animations for chat achievements, etc.
Smooth Scrolling Everywhereopen in new windowsmooth-scrolling-everywhereopen in new windowSmooth scrolling animation for all vanilla GUIs.
[📦Ⅳ-5] Legendary Tooltipslegendary-tooltips-fabricopen in new windowEver feel like item tooltips are a little lackluster?

Designed for special use cases

ViaFabricviafabricopen in new windowAllows to connect to older servers with older versions
Pick Block Propick-block-proAn advanced client side Block, Entity, NBT, Tool and ID picker (Fabric)
⚠️Raknetifyraknetifyopen in new windowallows using RakNet as Minecraft networking backend.
IBE Editoribe-editorSimple GUI Mod to edit an item, a block or an entity in your current world.
Plasmo Voiceplasmo-voiceA proximity voice chat mod with audio positioning and lots of features.
Bobbybobbyopen in new windowAllows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance.